CONTRACTIONWAVE (CW) is a software developed in Python Programming Language that allows the user to visualize, quantify, and analyze cell contractility parameters in a simple and intuitive format.
Dense optical flow software to quantify cellular contractility.
Scalzo et al., Cell Reports Methods (2021) – doi.org/10.1016/j.crmeth.2021.100044
Contractility protocol
For a complete instructions to acquire high-quality cellular contractility data, we provide optimized steps for microscope and camera setup, as well as cellular selection criteria for different cardiomyocyte cell types, aiming to obtain robust and reliable data.
Microscopy-based cellular contractility assay for adult, neonatal, and hiPSC cardiomyocytes.
Scalzo et al., Star Protocols (2022) – doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2022.101144
How it works
Cell Contraction from Images and Vídeos
Cell Contraction Wave
Membrane displacement through color intensity and vectors
Different Cell Types
CONTRACTIONWAVE framework was designed to acquire contractility in cardiomyocytes at different maturation and developmental stages
iPSC Human Cardiomyocyte
Neonatal Cardiomyocyte
Adult Cardiomyocyte
Great Features
CONTRACTIONWAVE provides an innovative solution for the high processing capability and flexibility required to quantify cardiac cell biomechanics and motility kinetics during the contraction-relaxation cycle.
CONTRACTIONWAVE allows the user to upload images sequence or video.
CONTRACTIOWAVE can process a large amount of data from an internal or an external computer HD.
CONTRACTIONWAVE uses Optical Flow Method that identifies cell motion at the pixel level.
CONTRACTIONWAVE has an interactive and user-friendly interface.
Cell contraction graphic and video are synchronized allowing the best vizualization results.
Make incredible videos to present your results of cellular contractility.