PhD Students

Jéssica M. de Souza  Lattes


Jéssica has a Bachelor degree in Biomedicine and Masters in Biochemistry and Immunology by UFMG. She is a PhD Candidate in Biochemistry and Immunology and investigates mGluR5 role in Huntington’s Disease.





Toniana G. de Carvalho  Lattes


Toniana has a Bachelor degree in Biomedicine and a MSc in Biochemistry and Immunology, both at UFMG. She does research in Huntington’s disease associated inflammatory processes and is a PhD Student at the Biochemistry and Immunology Program.



Pablo L. Cardozo  Lattes   Google scholar   orcid


Pablo is a PhD Candidate at the Biochemistry and Immunology Program at UFMG. He obtained his Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences by the the same university with part-time studies at University of Toronto (Canada) and his MSc in Biochemistry and Immunology by UFMG. Nowadays, he develops his research activities in this lab, where he works with the neurobiochemistry aspects inherent to synaptic pruning in schizophrenia hIPSC-derived brain cells.

Izabella B. Q. de Lima  Lattes


Izabella is a PhD Student in Biochemistry and Immunology at UFMG. After recently getting her Bachelor degree in Biological Science with part-time studies at the University of Liverpool (United Kingdom), she has conducted research in investigating the immune molecules involved in synaptic pruning in an Alzheimer’s Disease animal model.

Melissa T. Goulart Lattes


Melissa is a PhD student in the Biochemistry and Immunology Graduate Program at UFMG. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences by the Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL) and a Master’s degree in Health Sciences by the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). Presently, Melissa is investigating the neuroprotector role of mGluR5 in Multiple Sclerosis.